Monday, April 21, 2008

Two weeks later!

Well, sorry that I haven't posted, but it has been a busy two weeks. I went back to the hometown, packed all of my stuff on a truck, drove it out to the southwest (with the assistance of the parents) unpacked it all off the truck (with the assistance of many) and started setting up the apartment. The parents helped Curly Girl with her last minute nesting and then just a couple of days later her new baby was born. I'm still figuring out her personality, so no nickname for her yet. Went to get the Firecracker, who couldn't wait to see her new sis. New Baby is a BIG baby - 9 lbs, 10 oz and 22 inches long! The Gift thinks she is great, and wants to keep giving her kisses. He's being very gentle with her and is awfully sweet to watch. The QB took a few days off to enjoy the new girl, so the family is resting quietly at home.

My apartment is starting to come together. I hung some things on the walls this weekend, which always makes it feel more like home. And the furniture I brought fits (with only a slight inconvenience of taking the door off it's hinges to get the desk into the office) so everything has worked out great. Of course there is always something that goes kaput in the moving process, and this time it was my DVD player. Since I'm not ready to fork over $300 for a blue-ray disc player, I've been looking at new DVD players and am quite amazed by how small and light they have become. I was a somewhat early adopter on the DVD track, and my last one was big & HEAVY compared to the ones out now.

More unpacking ahead. Here's hoping the rest goes as smoothly as it has so far.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

It's All Coming Together

Well, I've sort of got most everything under control for now. Things are already going well at the big orange. My new boss seems to like me, and already asked me if I'd like to supervise - how long have I been there? We'll see. I'm not looking to climb the orange ladder, but it would mean more money and less time outside when it is 110 degrees. I'm making new friends and trading schedules already and fitting in with the new co-workers as best as I can.

Get the keys to my apartment TOMORROW, take off for my hometown the next day and get everything packed up in time to be back here by a week from today. WHEW. The only thing I haven't really changed yet that I'll be changing is my cell phone. Don't want to get a new one until I get back. The biggest pain will be switching everything to the new address. That takes so long and I always forget something.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Study in Potato....

No work today, so this morning I was hanging out with Curly Girl and the Gift. He wanted to play with the Mr. Potato Head that Aunt Smarty got him for Christmas (not his B'day). I mostly buy him gifts that I liked to play with as a kid. I figure if they've been on the market more than 35 years or so, they'll probably be fun for him. Luckily the QB's sister got him one as well, so we can each have our own potato.

The best thing about playing with Mr. Potato Head with a two year old is that there are NO RULES! For example - I see a mouth where eyes should be and 3 arms - I would have never made these, but I loved his so much that I decided you needed to see them too.

Notice the muscle arms and the flowered hat. I think I saw that guy coming out of the gym last week.

An extra mouth where the arm / ears might belong? NO BIG DEAL. We love it!

The Gift kept insisting that they be photographed together. Like they were friends.

Mustaches are fun, so we needed two on this one. One where it "belongs" and one over the ear that looks suspiciously like a nose.

I guess he has seen Aunt Smarty and Curly Girl with their sunglasses on top of their heads so many times, he wanted the Potato to look cool like us.

The master at work. And a nice side view of the two mustached Potato.

I had so much fun with these, I think there could be an art project for his room somewhere down the line. Next time you play with a Mr. Potato Head - let your mind run wild.