AND I've been missing for a month or so. I've got no good excuse, except I have been abstaining from cable in an effort to get settled, so I haven't done any blogging as a result. (That should be fixed in a week or two) But Elastigirl tagged me, and the book I'm reading right now (Jack Canfield's The Success Principles) says that when your mentor tells you to do something, you should do it.
What was I doing ten years ago: Working at a job that made me sad most of the time. Just meeting Elastigirl (I actually got to know her right after her second baby was born). Started meeting with my small group around that time. Made some friends that I still consider some of my closest today.
Five things on today's "to do" list: Today was Saturday, and for the first time in a while, I set all "to do's" aside, and just hung out with my sister, Curly Girl, by the pool with the kids and more kids from the neighborhood. Does work on my tan count as a "to do?"
Things I'd do if I was a billionaire: Set up a charitable foundation that focused on hunger and literacy. I figure if you can eat and read, you can figure most of the rest of the stuff out for yourself. I would not "work" another day in my life, just spend it traveling and enjoying my money working for me.
Three bad habits: Biting my nails, negative self-talk and procrastinating.
Five places I've lived: Near a beach, near the nations capitol, in a cold northern state, in the heartland and now in the desert!
Five jobs I've had: Math Tutor, Bank Vice President, Executive Staff at a YWCA, Consultant, Cashier.
And Elastigirl always takes the five bloggers I know to tag, so still, I have no one to tag.
Just an average day
2 years ago